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Don’t be deceived by appearance of green

Persistent dry conditions throughout northern Minnesota will mix with unseasonably warm temperatures, low relative humidity, and gusty winds resulting in near-critical fire weather through the weekend.
Wildfires under these conditions can easily start and spread quickly, especially in the already dry northern forested areas.
The Minnesota Interagency Fire Center urges everyone to be careful with any potential heat source that can cause a spark.
“Minimal precipitation throughout northern Minnesota brought little relief over the spring, and we are entering summer under higher fire danger conditions in northern Minnesota,” said Travis Verdegan, fire behavior specialist Minnesota Interagency Fire Center.
“The appearance of green-up is deceiving as many areas in the north are now two to three inches below average for rainfall.”
Verdegan says more extreme wildfire behavior has been reported from recent wildfires than typically occurs this time of year due to the dryness.
He anticipates high fire danger will continue into the summer season as abnormally dry conditions linger.
Fire prevention is everyone’s responsibility. When conditions are this dry, any source of fire, even debris burns and campfires, can quickly turn into an escape wildfire.
• Don’t burn debris.
• Keep campfires three feet in diameter by three feet high or smaller.
• Remain with your campfire until it is out cold. Keep a hose or enough water and a shovel nearby to drown-stir-repeat until cold enough to touch.
• Be aware, sparks from gas-powered engines (including lawnmowers and ATVs) near dry grass or other vegetation can easily ignite a wildfire.
If you do spot a wildfire, don’t hesitate, call 911

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