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NATIONAL FOREST STEWARDSHIP PROJECTSUPERIOR NATIONAL FORESTThe Nira Stewardship Contract Area is located within T60N, R9W, Sections 17-20, T60N, R10W, Sections 6-10, 12-18, 24-26,T60N, R11W, Sections 1, 3-9, 12-18, 22, T60N, R12W, Sections 1, 11, 12, T61N, R11W, Sections 19-21, 28-34, T61N, R12W, Section 36. The Forest Service will receive sealed bids at Ely, Minnesota at 1:00 PM local time on March 13, 2007 for a combination of timber and stewardship service work items associated with the stewardship project. The timber portion has an estimated volume of 1751 CCF of Jack Pine sawtimber @ $20.21 per CCF, 21 CCF of Pine Sawtimber @ $20.31 per CCF , 26 CCF of Paper Birch sawtimber @ $13.10 per CCF, 182 CCF of Spruce sawtimber @ $15.39 per CCF, 1935 CCF of Aspen pulpwood @ $22.40 per CCF, 419 CCF of Balsam Fir pulpwood @ $18.94 per CCF, 18 CCF of Maple pulpwood @ $9.33 per CCF, 904 CCF of Pine pulpwood @ $18.54 per CCF, 230 CCF of Paper Birch pulpwood @ $13.10, and 874 CCF of Spruce pulpwood @ $13.56 per CCF marked or otherwise designated for cutting. Up to 27 stewardship service work items can be included in the project. Bids will be evaluated on a best value basis and bidders must submit a technical proposal describing how stewardship service work will be completed, as well as a lump sum bid for the timber and the per unit rate for completing each stewardship service work item. Offers will not be publicly opened or disclosed. The Forest Service reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A prospectus, bid form, blank technical proposal form, and complete information concerning the timber, the conditions of sale, the service work required in this contract, and the process to submit bids is available to the public from the Kawishiwi District Ranger Office, 118 South 4th Ave. East Ely, MN. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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