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Some birds migrate south to Minnesota

Ely Echo - Staff Photo - Create Article

Snowy owls nest in the Arctic tundra of northern Canada and Alaska during the summer. From early November to late March, some migrate south to Minnesota to hunt voles, mice, and other small animals. Look for them in northern Minnesota in large, open areas (like fields and airports), or perched on the ground, on buildings or on utility poles.

Snow buntings have adapted to thrive in winter environments. Their dense white feathers, which cover them from bill to ankles, and a lower body temperature help them fend off hypothermia. They migrate from the Arctic to spend October through April wandering the northern Great Plains, looking for food by lake shores, grasslands and farm fields.

Golden eagles also migrate from Canada, some from as far north as the Arctic Circle, and spend November through March hunting turkeys and fox squirrels in central and southeast Minnesota. Golden eagles can be hard to distinguish from young bald eagles, but there are subtle differences.

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