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Monday, June 17, 2024 at 1:52 PM

Powder All Corporation: for all your powder coating needs

After working in the powder coating business for over 25 years, Lowell Poppenhagen has returned to running Powder All Corporation full-time.

Poppenhagen got into powder coating while working for pool table manufacturer Kasson Manufacturing in Babbitt.

“I worked for Kasson for around 10 years. They were having everything powder coated out of the area and it was very costly,” he said. “This is when I saw the opportunity to get into it.”

Kasson Manufacturing was one of Poppenhagen’s largest clients when he first started, and it was a win-win for both parties, as Poppenhagen got a lot of business, and Kasson Manufacturing didn’t have to spend an arm and a leg shipping out all their powder coated needs.

“I became very busy just with them. They were a huge customer,” he said.

Poppenhagen worked full-time owning and managing Powder All Corporation, up until 2008, when he took a job working for Northshore Mine.

He was laid off from Northshore Mine two years ago and saw it as a golden opportunity to start working at his powder coating business again.

“I was called back and declined to go back and pursue this full-time again,” he said. “I really enjoy powder coating.”

Many may be unaware of what powder coating is or what it does.

Powder coating is a type of coating that is applied as a dry powder.

It is not like conventional liquid paint, as it is delivered with an evaporating solvent, and is typically applied electrostatically and then cured under heat or with ultraviolet light.

It is considered a much more durable option than conventional paint and is used on items or products that need to be protected from the elements.

Poppenhagen’s favorite part about powder coating is seeing the look on people’s faces after he finishes a custom job.

“The industrial side is great, you need it to support the business, but the custom powder coating is the most fun and why I do what I do,” he said. “You get to see smiles on customer’s faces, and it makes everything worthwhile.”

Poppenhagen often hears misconceptions about powder coating, including that you can only powder coat steel.

“You can really powder coat any metal, like aluminum, steel, copper, brass, you name it,” said Poppenhagen. “With the new technology, you can do many different surfaces, even things like furniture.”

In the last year, Poppenhagen has bought some new equipment, including a new powder coating gun, and increasing output on certain aspects of his business, including sandblasting.

“Sandblasting is a larger part of my business now,” he said. “We are seeing more and more people needing this service.”

Another aspect of his business he has increased his capacity for is ceramic coating.

“Ceramic coating is a very popular option for exhaust systems, wear parts, internal engine components, guns, and a lot of different items. We have been doing that more and more,” he said.

Powder coating the aluminum floating boardwalk for the Mesabi bike trail has been one of the biggest projects Powder All Corporation has done in the last year has The boardwalk is 750 feet long and eight feet wide and requires a lot of time and effort to complete.

“We are not quite done with it yet, but we are close,” he said. “That was a big project, but one we were happy to be a part of.”

Though Poppenhagen has considered expanding his business, he said he is likely going to stay put for the time being.

“I’ve never closed the door to that, but there is risk,” he said. “If I expanded, I think I would just expand my capabilities where I am currently at. I anticipate working for many more years, but don’t really want to go anywhere else.”

Poppenhagen loves living in the north woods and said it was one of the reasons he started his business.

“I determined pretty early on in my life this is where I wanted to live and raise a family, which I did,” he said. “I love it here, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to stay here.

Poppenhagen said he enjoys serving the north woods with its powder coating needs and looks forward to running Powder All Corporation for many more years.

The powder coating on these springs will make them last much longer than a traditional paint job, and is highly resistant to weather, chemicals, and corrosion.


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